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Double Jump Customs

Taking a short break to catch up on orders and restock inventory. I’ll be back soon!

Remember being in the car at night playing your Gameboy by the light of passing streetlamps?

It’s a perfect memory, right?

No doubt. But a big part of those memories being so great is that time and nostalgia have made it easy to forget how it was actually really frustrating at times trying to play and not being able to see.

I forgot what a struggle it was until, during peak-COVID times, I tried playing on an old, un-modded Gameboy Color. I couldn’t see anything—and I don’t think it's 100% because my eyesight has gotten worse since I was eight-years-old (even though it has gotten worse lol--not denying it).

Basically, this is the story of how, I, a grown-ass adult was confined to sitting next to lamps in awkward positions and sitting on the floor under windows whenever I wanted to play on my Gameboy Color. And how one day, I got tired of it.

So, I set out to learn how to upgrade my Gameboy Color. In doing so, I realized there were a lot of people, like me, who wanted to relive the games they loved when they were younger, but were facing the limits of 80s and 90s technology.

Anyway, that’s how Double Jump Customs was born.

Hey, I'm Liz!

I’m from New Hampshire, United States. During the day, I write marketing stuff for a university. At night, I wear my comfiest clothes and either stare at the tv, a console from the Gameboy line or a Nintendo Switch. In the in-between times, I fix and mod Gameboys.